In a message on his Twitter account on Friday, Amirabdollahian said that regarding the importance of neighbors in Iran's foreign policy and to strengthen the neighborhood policy of the Iranian Government, shortly after hosting the foreign minister of Saudi Arabia and the useful talks in Tehran, left for the four countries of Qatar, Oman, Kuwait and the Emirates in the southern area of the Persian Gulf.
The talks with the high-ranking officials and my counterparts in these countries was very positive, constructive and useful for everyone on both sides of the strategic countries of the Persian Gulf, promising a better, safer and more prosperous future for the people who have deep-rooted and deep ties of respect, love and kinship between them, he added.
Amirabdollahian said that The Islamic Republic of Iran believes that establishing a a joint mechanism for dialogue and cooperation among all the countries of the strategic area of the Persian Gulf is more necessary and fruitful than ever before.
We have proposed the formation of a regional forum for dialogue and cooperation between northern and southern countries of the Persian Gulf and if it is established, it can greatly reinforce integration between the countries, Iranian Foreign Minister said.
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